The Benefit Of Using Postmodern Characteristics In Stranger Than Fiction

It’s impossible to say anything with certainty. Postmodernism claims that there’s no absolute truth. People see the truth as they believe it to be and then identify it. The film Stranger Than Fiction is part the recent postmodern movie cycle. It explores important questions in our daily lives and has a philosophical significance. The movie’s postmodern elements are well-shown and help the viewer understand the message. These elements can be seen as distracting from the main message. However, the movie uses fragmentation and asks questions without answering the answers to show that the conventions of the genre can be powerful tools.

Harold Crack, the film’s main character, is a man who keeps track of his steps, counts his brushstrokes and tracks his progress to the bus stop. He also records his work breaks using his wristwatch. The man seems to be merely following the watch’s commands and acting as its servant. Harold lets the watch dictate his personality, which is the main problem. To find meaning and comfort, the character has to live a 12-year-old daily routine. Physical fragmentation is used to draw attention to the routine. This includes obscure camera angles, rotating shots, rotations of shots, and graphics. These techniques provide a deeper understanding about Harold’s personality and make for an interesting film. The fragmentation quickly moves on to another postmodernism component, which is asking questions and not answering them. This postmodern component makes audiences think about what human life means. The movie’s fundamental questions revolve around the following: Is Harold’s story real? Are Harold and Taxes real characters or are they fictional? Karen Eiffel wrote and assumed all events. The viewer still has many options to ask philosophical questions. Unfortunately, the answer is not provided. The wristwatch became a personification of time, which led to everyone asking the question, Is time controlling me? This question teaches us to be more efficient with our time and not get lost in the routine like the main character of the movie. It is also important to not ask questions but give answers. Films have a well-defined genre. Stranger than fiction is not able to give an exact genre, so people have to choose what one suits them best. The film does not portray the characters’ lives as funny or sad, but asks its audience to consider whether their lives are a comedy of tragedy. Everyone expects to see the tragic ending, considering that everyone knows the protagonist must die. Harold discovers his true love unexpectedly and is able to transform his life with the hope of avoiding death. Anna Pascal is the girl who refuses taxes and whose goal is to make her passions a reality, allowing her to do what she likes. Harold is aware of his imminent death and learns how important it is to have a purpose in life and achieve goals throughout your lifetime. The man sets out to fulfill a dream: to play the electric guitar.

Harold learns to play a guitar song, and it is what makes him a success. It also proves to be the reason Anna fell for him. The movie seems to be the pivotal moment and second chance for the protagonist. However, further events alter the story. Harold talks to his life creator and asks her for help. After reading the book, Harold understands that fate is unchangeable. So, instead of saving the boy, the man courageously throws himself in front the bus. Karen Eiffel, the main character of the novel, realizes she was about as close to killing an actual person as she is and changes the ending. Harold is rescued by his wristwatch after he was injured and appears in hospital. The movie, Stranger Than Fiction, has well-executed postmodern elements and is certainly a success. These elements can teach students important philosophical lessons that will help them live a meaningful life. It is important that you realize that fate can’t be changed, but there are always options to alter how people react to it.


  • tenleylancaster

    Tenley Lancaster is a 34-year-old educational blogger and student. She enjoys writing about topics related to education, including but not limited to student motivation, learning styles, and effective study techniques. Tenley has also written for various websites and magazines, and is currently working on her first book. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, and traveling.