How To Write An Informative Speech

The purpose of an informative speech or presentation is to inform or educate the audience. This type of speech can be used to inform or educate your audience about a certain subject or phenomenon. Be sure to align your speech with your audience's interests.

Use vivid words to describe the scene in your mind. You need to describe something in a way your audience can understand.

Be sure to present your facts conclusively and in a manner that informs and leaves the audience without any need for clarification.

It is important to tread carefully when presenting the information to your listeners. This is not a speech that you are trying to convince them to agree with your viewpoint. You can improve your audience's understanding and flow by researching your audience before your speech.

This article provides a few guidelines on how to create an effective speech. Let's begin by choosing a topic.

How to select a topic for an informative speech

Research the topic thoroughly before writing your speech. Make sure you have a lot of valid reasons to support it. You want to ensure that your topic will make a good presentation, and have the audience nod in agreement. Use the following tips to select an appropriate topic for an informational speech:

Identifying your main interests

Consider your interests first before presenting a speech. What interests you? Is science, food, or business your passion? You should choose a speech subject that interests you. This will make it easier and more comfortable to research as well as to convey your message to the audience.

You will do extensive research into the eating habits and preferences of your audience if you decide to write a speech on healthy eating. Your audience can get valid advice on eating healthy foods by using the local food options.

Take into consideration the length of presentation

It is important to manage your time when preparing a presentation. You have 25 minutes for your presentation. Select a subject that will allow you to cover the entire time.

Study your audience

Relevance is the key to a successful presentation. Age, educational background and cultural interests, as well as the audience's age, are all factors to consider. Your audience should relate to the topic you choose.

You need to be persuasive when you give an informative speech about fast food. This is because you will have to convince young people of the benefits of eating less fast food.

How to write an informative speech

You will now have to write down the information you've gathered. You can use these steps to create your informative speech.

Write a statement of thesis

Your thesis should summarize your entire speech in a single concise sentence. You can write a thesis that says, "Reducing consumption of fast food reduces lifestyle diseases by 80%". Now your audience knows where you are going with your speech.

Create an outline for your speech

You can now outline your information flow. Sort your points from strongest to weakest. You should write down relevant examples to help your audience understand what you're saying.

Insist on informing, not persuading

The goal is to get your audience to acknowledge the facts, not to agree with your assertion. By clearly presenting the topic to your audience, you can make it objective. Use declarative words rather than arguments.

End with an action call

You should now summarize your main points and thesis statement.

In your body of your speech, highlight the most important points.

You were educating the audience about the facts that underlie the subject. So, you should encourage them to take action on the facts that you have presented. You could end your example of healthy eating with a brief speech that highlights the benefits.


A speech that is informative should not be argumentative or convincing, but rather educational. First, choose the topic. This is followed by an outline, a body of information, and a concluding statement that calls for action.


  • tenleylancaster

    Tenley Lancaster is a 34-year-old educational blogger and student. She enjoys writing about topics related to education, including but not limited to student motivation, learning styles, and effective study techniques. Tenley has also written for various websites and magazines, and is currently working on her first book. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, and traveling.