The Story Behind The Beginning Of Anime

The popularity of anime has spread around the globe. These Japanese cartoons were adopted by other countries. Many anime fans (otaku) take anime very seriously. They attend conventions around the country to create costumes that are exactly like their favorite characters. Many otaku are unaware of the history and origins of these cartoons, but their importance in shaping what is known as anime is undeniable.

Not all forms of animation are known. Others claim that anime originated with Japanese comics such as woodblock prints and Pictures on temples walls. The first Japanese animated movie to be shown in public, “Tekugukan”, was screened at the Kabukiza Theater. In 2005, the first known anime was found. It was made in 1907 and consisted of 50 frames. The majority of films from this period have not survived for long enough to survive and be preserved. This is primarily because they were sold after being shown in theatres to smaller theaters. They were then sold as individual frames or strips. The animation industry expanded in size and technology from 1900 to 1910, and many of the films made during this period have been saved. Shimokawa Oken, Kouchi Jan’ichi and Kitayama Seitaro were the three most well-known animators from this era. They had their own studios as well as apprentices. Shimokawa Oten drew caricatures for magazines and was an illustrator. Tenkatsu had hired him to draw cartoons. However, he only managed to finish five movies due his failing health. Kouchi Juni’ichi is credited with introducing technological innovations to Japanese cartoons. He began by studying watercolor, and was then hired as cartoonist. He made 15 films. Kitayama Seitaro, another cartoonist, worked first with chalkboard and was unsuccessful, then moved on to paper animation. The fact that these animators ran studios led to a new wave of animators being born. This helped the anime art grow as a collective. Seitaro had many students who became animators. Murato Yusuji was one of them.

From 1920 to 1940, the use of anime went beyond entertainment. In the 1920s first laws protecting youth were passed, and animators created educational cartoons. The government used animation to win the support of the public when World War II began. The government hired only a few cartoonists during WWII. All others were barred from the field.

After the war Japan concentrated on rebuilding and lifting the country out of its swamp. In Japan, the animation industry was not very successful during this period. Osamu Tezuka’s works in the 1960s brought it back to life. The next great milestone in Anime history is these works. Tezuka’s Tetsuwan Atomu debuted in 1963 during Japan’s economic crisis following the war. Tezuka had to be brave in publishing his story. But, ultimately, the anime was a success, as it gave people hope and unity, while also helping them to forget about the war. Osamu made more animes, like Hi No Tori, that helped to change the culture of Japan. He also shaped other countries.

While anime still had many years ahead of it, its presence in many different countries was well-established. Over the next few decades, anime would have a profound impact on the lives and careers of millions. It is now a way to bring people together from around the globe.


  • tenleylancaster

    Tenley Lancaster is a 34-year-old educational blogger and student. She enjoys writing about topics related to education, including but not limited to student motivation, learning styles, and effective study techniques. Tenley has also written for various websites and magazines, and is currently working on her first book. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, and traveling.