Expert Encourages Creative Thinking In Building Schools

While the importance of collaboration between educators and architects is often discussed when it comes to building schools, experienced individuals in such projects admit that these two groups do not always work well together. However, this does not deter school architect Prakash Nair from seeking the opinions of educators.

Recognizing that most educators want to be actively involved in designing their new schools, Mr. Nair initiates the collaborative process by discussing subjects they are familiar with, such as curriculum and testing.

"We start by addressing their comfort zones," explains Mr. Nair. "Then we gradually move into areas where they may not feel as comfortable." These conversations have led to the creation of numerous unique school buildings that cater to the specific needs of each community.

During the annual meeting of the Council of Educational Facility Planners International, which brought together over 1,000 architects and school facility planners, Mr. Nair shared his strategies for successful collaboration in school design. He often showcases slides of well-designed school and corporate office spaces to educators during their initial meetings, without revealing which are schools and which are offices. This surprises many educators, as they realize how different some schools can look compared to what they are accustomed to seeing.

Mr. Nair finds inspiration from studying schools in other countries. For example, after speaking with parents and school officials at a school in Amsterdam, he discovered that parents often gathered at the school’s entrance for friendly conversations. As a result, when a new school was built in the Dutch city, he designed a room called "Cappuccino & Community" for parents to gather and have coffee in the morning, fostering greater involvement in the school.

One of Mr. Nair’s award-winning designs is an Australian high school that incorporates design elements to maximize natural daylight and ventilation. He prioritizes flexibility in spaces to accommodate future needs, ensuring that classroom furniture can be easily rearranged and providing separate areas for small-group meetings. He also incorporates outdoor spaces into the design, such as creating portable classrooms with decks and building an outdoor amphitheater at a Connecticut elementary school.

According to Mr. Nair, designing schools to meet present and future needs simply requires common sense and the ability to focus on long-term and practical needs rather than the latest architectural theories.

While alternative methods of financing schools, such as lease-purchase agreements and public-private partnerships, are not yet common, they are receiving more attention as cities and towns with limited property-tax bases struggle to finance school construction projects. Wendy S. Kunz, an architect and director of a comprehensive facilities-construction project in the Camden, N.J., school district, explains that alternative financing options offer the advantage of quicker school construction. They also allow districts to build without increasing their taxing authority and provide a solution for districts that have reached their bond limits.

However, there are downsides to these alternatives, according to Ms. Kunz. Third-party financing can come with higher interest rates compared to municipal bonds, and there are additional administrative and legal fees associated with these partnerships. Furthermore, most developers aim to make a profit, which may interfere with the mission of schools.

Alternative financing methods may be more suitable under certain circumstances, such as when a building needs to be constructed in a shorter timeframe than the typical three to five years. They can also be advantageous if a school has a unique site to develop or possesses an unused or underutilized asset, such as a piece of land, that can be exchanged with a developer for a new school.

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  • tenleylancaster

    Tenley Lancaster is a 34-year-old educational blogger and student. She enjoys writing about topics related to education, including but not limited to student motivation, learning styles, and effective study techniques. Tenley has also written for various websites and magazines, and is currently working on her first book. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, and traveling.